Total quality
In SANTOS MAQUINARIA ELECTRICA, S.L. we have implemented a Total Quality program in compliance with ISO 9001, NEMA, ANSI, ASTM and other international standards.
This program is based on the following points:
- Our existence reason is the customer. Know their real expectations is our basic policy.
- Communicate with them and give them the service they need.
- Take care of their problems and help them to implement solutions.
- Provide Quality services working with the aim of improvement.
- Our continous goal is to be competitive in quality, price and delivery.
We are getting the continuous improvement:
- Our main objective is to achieve zero defects in our products and services.
- Everyone is involved in maintaining the quality process in compliance with the delivery terms and by performing good works.
We are all involved in this program whatever the activity, position or workstation.
- Our attitude is to prevent failures: Avoiding they occur, rather than controlling and correct them, because we are professionals and we feel the satisfaction of doing good things.
- To achieve total quality is important an attitude of collaboration and teamwork. Individualistic attitude has no place in our company.